

LED UV portfolio from IST INTECH

Cooperation between IST METZ and IST INTECH

Since March 2023, the British company Integration Technology Ltd. has been operating under the new name IST INTECH. This change of name clearly emphasizes the affiliation with the southern German METZ group of companies. In the future, IST INTECH will develop the next generation of high-performance LED UV systems together with IST METZ.

Integration Technology, which has been part of the METZ Group since 2011, specializes in the development and production of UV LED curing solutions for digital printing. The rebranding reflects the increasing global demand for reliable, high-performance LED solutions. Under the joint brand, the companies are pooling their decades of expertise and offering an expanded portfolio of innovative products.

Discover IST INTECH's versatile LED UV curing solutions. From standalone systems to fully integrated modular designs: